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Seasonal Rules


You are responsible for your garbage, make sure all garbage is sorted (recyclables in one bag, household garbage in another) and put out before 5 p.m., otherwise it will not be picked up and instead scattered by the wildlife. We recycle almost everything (cans, bottles, plastics in one and cardboard and paper separate). Due to a significant increase in disposal fees this year, we WILL NOT pick up anything other than the recyclables and one small bag of daily household garbage. Strollers, refrigerators, chairs, grills, etc. are not our responsibility and will be put back on your deck. We also are not responsible for your garbage from home so please leave it there!

Golf Carts

All golf carts must be preapproved by Scott before bringing them into the campground. You must provide us with a copy of liability insurance on the cart before it is driven in the campground. As we started last year, you will be issued a sticker for your golf cart when we receive a copy of you current insurance information. DO NOT DRIVE your golf cart in the park until Scott has issued you your proof of insurance sticker. NO UNLICENSED OPERATORS, your insurance will not cover you if there is an accident and neither will we! All carts must be electric and follow all of the same rules as a vehicle driving in the campground. If you have them out after dusk, they must be equipped with lights.

Camp Site Beautification

If you want to keep a beautiful campground please do your part in keeping your site picked up, free of clutter and garbage. If you are not going to be around for several weeks, please arrange for lawn mowing. If it becomes necessary, we will mow your site and asses the fee to your site balance. The fee will be $15. RV washing with our well water may be permitted before Memorial Day weekend or after Labor Day. However, please do not assume it is ok to wash your RV’s until checking with Scott to confirm adequate water supply.

If you need to do sawing, hammering, etc. please try to do this type of work during the week when camp is not full; so as not to disturb other people’s vacations.

Pool Safety

For those of you with children, anyone under the age of 16 must have an adult (18 or older) with them at the pool, no exceptions. This is a state regulation and if not followed can cause closing of the pool facility. Please read all regulations at the pool.

Subleasing Camp Sites

Seasonal sites cannot be used or subleased by anyone other than the two adults registered to that site. Children (under 18) may not be left at the campground without your supervision. Additional camping units (including tents) are not permitted on seasonal sites without prior approval, and additional site fees paid.

Work Requests

The beginning of the season is very busy for all staff and family. We have an entire campground to open. If you need work done on your camper, deck, site, etc. please fill out a work request form in the office and each request will be tended to as time permits.

Honey Dumping

Dumping is planned for Thursdays and Mondays. Please sign up at the office before 10 a.m. the day you want to be dumped. Fees will be $10 on scheduled days and $20 on off days.

LP Gas

The large 100# LP gas tanks are available to seasonal campers; please sign up in the office if you are interested in having one connected to your RV. They will be filled as needed; you must let the office know when you are getting low. Please try to keep an eye on this so you don’t run out in the middle of the night. Please make every effort to have a backup 20#or 30# lp tank just in case you run out and Scott or Harry cannot get right to it. This will ensure you don’t lose heat, hot water, etc.

Additions to the Site

Permission is required before adding any sheds (annual fee $10), decks, shrubs, trees, etc. Everything must meet local zoning and health department regulations, and must be able to be moved within a few hours if necessary. Shrubs, trees, etc. must be considered carefully as they cannot be watered with our well water, and placement depends on underground water and sewer lines. They also are expected to remain once planted. NO hoses other than the one connected to the camper will be permitted unless a “back flow adapter” is installed ahead of the hose (by order of the health dept.)


We do offer full season guest passes for additional family members for $100/person or $250/family of 4; these are valid for use any time during the season. Each seasonal is given 10 free guest passes that are kept track of in the computer at the office. These may be used any time other than holiday weekends and pig roast weekend. The staff in the office will subtract from these free passes for each guest coming to visit you. Once the 10 are used you will automatically be charged $1/guest thereafter. Remember, every visitor must stop at the office, and register their vehicle. Every guest will be charged. GUESTS MAY NOT BRING THEIR PETS!!! You are responsible for your guests; please advise them of the camp rules so that there aren’t any problems.

Site Fees and Bills

Please complete the enclosed seasonal information form for 2024; return it with your site balance and any outstanding bills. All sites must be paid in full by April 15, 2024 or applicable finance charges will be applied. Fees for water and electric are: $2,500.00 and Full Hook Up are $2,650.00 less your deposit ($400). This fee covers 2 adults and 3 minor children living at home. We must have all pets and people that are on your site registered in the office.


All pets must remain on your site or walked in the dog walk areas only! If you are leaving the campground your pet must go with you, they may not stay on the grounds unattended. If your dog is barking, it is your responsibility to make sure it stops. If problems do arise because of your pet you will be warned and expulsion may take place. We MUST have rabies vaccination papers on any pets by May 1st. Your guests may not bring pets in with them. Pet’s are a very big insurance issue and are becoming more so each year. Please be responsible pet owners so that we can keep our park a “pet friendly” one.

Minor Children (Under 18)

Your children or any child visiting your seasonal site are your responsibility. Children must be back on their site by 11:00 p.m. and observing the quiet hours. Any minors found off their site after 11:00 p.m. will be escorted back to their site by staff. Multiple occurrences could result in expulsion.


You are responsible for your own electric usage. Readings will take place in July and October. We will post a sign at the office when bills are available.

Office Hours

During the beginning and end of the season the office is opened on a limited basis (hours are posted on the door) please make every effort to take care of business during these hours so that we are sure to have the computer with us. Normal office hours starting mid June will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.